Give Up Figuring Out How to Be the Artist You Want to Be

Give Up Figuring Out How to Be the Artist You Want to Be

You want to express more of yourself as a creative artist, but how? Not knowing the answer may actually be the best thing for you. It invites the question, the exploration, the wonder. If you are a creative artist perhaps you’ve been trying to figure this out for yourself and find that you wind up back where you are. Give it up!

The problem isn’t that you haven’t come up with an answer. The problem is that you actually think that YOU have to be the one to come up with the answer.

Asking for What You Want

Let’s try this instead. Ask this question and don’t try to figure out the answer.

How can I express more of myself through my art?

Now don’t go trying to think hard about exactly what you will do. Rather, open yourself to the possibilities of this vast universe without trying to define what those possibilities are. Trust me, your ideas will pale in comparison to the infinite ideas of the entire universe. So just ask the question and whenever you find yourself trying to answer it and figure it out for yourself – STOP; and then ask the question again.

I know it sounds crazy. I get that. Maybe a little crazy is just what you need. When you stop trying to control what you are creating, how inspiration comes, how you express it in this world, you begin to build a personal box where you put you and all that you have to share inside.

Feeling Versus Figuring

Instead of trying to get an answer with your head, find it with how you feel about various activities and opportunities. Does the thought of a particular audition make you feel good? If so, it may be right for you at this time. If it doesn’t ask yourself, “What about this audition is making me uncomfortable?” Be aware of anything that comes up for you. It might be a song on the radio, something on television, a book, billboard, or maybe a social media post that resonates with something that gives you more insight into why it makes you uncomfortable. You can ask another question (and another and another) when these things start to show up.

Here are a couple handy ones:

  • How is this related to my discomfort? Or What about my discomfort is related to what has been showing up?
  • How does this relate to my desire to express more of myself through my art?

Now, don’t do anything to get the answers. That’s right –no trying to figure it out. I will even suggest that you don’t visualize what it looks like. Keep doing what you do, without forcing. See what comes up for you. The answers will reveal themselves in ways you might not even expect. In their time. If you are tempted to work the answer out for yourself, go back to the question with an open mind and heart.

The right answer for you may not be the right answer for anyone else. And this is fine. You are a unique individual with unique dreams, talents, and purpose. Why would the right path or solution for you be what is right for everyone else? (Yes, that was an intentionally completely close-ended rhetorical question.)

Within the next twenty-four hours I invite you to choose to stop figuring it out and start asking questions. Take this post to get you started and ask big open-ended questions with an open heart and open mind. Then, be open to what shows up, even when it doesn’t look like you might have imagined it.

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